Web-Based Training Modules
The following web-based training modules have been developed to help peer review committee members become better equipped to address specific review responsibilities. The modules are especially designed for first-time peer evaluators, but should be beneficial to more experienced reviewers as well. The emphasis is on developing professional judgment and on paying special attention to the exact wording of the standards within thePrinciples of Accreditation. We anticipate each module will take 30-60 minutes to complete, although a couple of them may be a bit longer. In addition to serving committee reviewers, the modules should be helpful for institutional personnel that are preparing materials to be reviewed.
Please note that the current modules are based on the 2012 Principles of Accreditation. We are in the process of completing training content based on the 2018 Principles of Accreditation. Given the similarities between the 2012 and 2018 principles, much of the information within the current training modules still apply.
Web-Based Training Modules:
Module Resources
Some of the links in the training modules resources have been updated. The link below will take you to an “Updated” resource page.